Anti-corrosion products
Tectyleren has become a generic name in the Netherlands and Belgium over the past 70 years. The verb "Tectyleren" is a corruption of the registered trademark Tectyl, which is carried by the company Valvoline. Mavom supplies the complete range of preservation products from Tectyl. From temporary to very long-term protection of your machines and/or parts. Tectyl has the right product for every application. Tectyl's new water-based products do not give off harmful and flammable vapours.

Corrosion protection for industrial applications
Mavom supplies a complete range of preservation products that protect your equipment, finished product and parts against corrosion. Both short-term and long-term protection is possible.

Automotive Corrosion Prevention
We offer a complete range including preservation products that protect hollow spaces for a long time and protect the base plates against salt and stone chips.